Monday 24 February 2014

A dive in her world ...

Sitting here alone in this dark room, sinking deep in my thoughts and feelings as calming music fills my ears isolating me from the outer world.. I prefer it this way..
Just like now, sometimes I feel like cutting off from this chaotic world, drowning in my own peaceful one.. Being alone, yet not feeling lonely, segregated from the outer world, shutting myself inside my own thoughts and feelings, helps me relax and loosen up..

Even though sometimes I have nothing to write about, just like now I have nothing specific in my mind to write about but I just love writing so much, I could go on and on writing for hours without getting tired, its my way of expressing myself, express the hidden things deep inside..

Right now, the feeling of wanting to drift into my la la land peacefully without any interruptions or distractions Is overwhelming me, it feels good having your own ME-time and stay in your world , where everything goes the way you want it to, where you can do whatever you feel like doing, where there’re no restrictions or rules to chain you, where you’re free as a bird, floating freely in the high, vast sky, where you can be yourself without having to worry about your appearance or behavior, where no one will judge you, monitor you or know your past and remind you of anything you don’t want to remember..
If only there was a place like this in real world, I would have loved to stay there forever, but I guess its all imaginary, since real world is not as lovely and sweet as it appears to be..

The chaotic real world, where you must be able to differentiate between the good and bad, it isn’t as easy as it sounds, sometimes sweet talks, sugar-coated words and smiles are all fake, one must be able to see behind those masks, to understand the meanings behind the sugary talks, to be aware of the intentions behind sweet actions and to sense the aims and targets behind each and every tone..
And the same is with the bad, sometimes harsh words, cruel actions, ignorant and nasty attitude, unsympathetic and insensitive behavior have deeper meanings than the sweet talks and fake smiles, and have strong effect on humans, not every harsh word is meant to hurt, not every cold look is meant to be taken as an ignorant action, not every slap and mean gesture is meant to be taken as offense and hatred..

Every action, every word, each tone of voice, every face expression and every attitude and behavior of each and every person tells something, the same action never holds the same meaning with all people, each and every single thing defines a person and his/her intention according to their past, to their relationship with us and their personality, one should be able to dig in deeper to understand those hidden meanings behind everything…
That’s just one thing about the real world, millions of other things are lingering in the outer space, waiting to be understood and analyzed, but who has time for that nowadays?!
It really is a chaotic world after all…..

Thursday 20 February 2014

Inspirational piece by Lee-Anne Peters

For too long you have allowed the past to affect you..
For too long you have taken personally what others say about you..
For too long you have stood on the sidelines watching others thrive..

For too many nights you have gone to bed worrying about what may be..
For too long you have held a fear in your heart ..
For too long you have settled for second best..

Now is the time to awaken.. 
Now is the time to shine..
Now is the time to accept that you are DIVINE .. 

This is my message for you.. Allow it to touch the deepest parts of your being .. To help you awaken to the truth .. That you do deserve to live a great life .. and whatever that means for you .. 

Written By :
~ Lee-Anne Peters ~

*Something I found very interesting and inspirational.. :)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

My Hero

Heavy breathing, uneven rise and fall of her chest, the pounding of her heart, sweat beads on her forehead, hands clasped together, her whole shaking body, teary eyes and her habit of biting the lower lip explains it all…
Anxiety..Nervousness.. Fear?
She’s scared, afraid of what ifs and may bes, the thought of being abandoned is too frightening for her, being left behind and having to face the backs of her loved ones is her worst fear, a fear that’s taking over her whole being this moment..
Knowing it’s not real, they’re just what ifs and may bes , just her negative thoughts, her fears and phobias..
 Knowing they’re nothing but assumptions , nothing but one of her mind’s stupid games, knowing as a matter of fact that it’s something far from reality..
It’s just a nightmare.. one she can easily wake up from and forget about…
Yet unable to shake it off, unable to rattle off those baseless thoughts, unable to resist the pressure of those splashing waves of worries hitting her face mercilessly, unable to stand firmly as gushes of strong apprehensions slap her face ruthlessly, unable to leave the suffocating darkness of uncertainties surrounding her petite, trembling  existence…
She stands there shakily, waiting for that certain presence..
That specificly familiar voice..
“Everything will be alright baby girl, your daddy’s right here”..
A voice that spreads warmth through her shivering body..
A voice that’ll scare off all those evil shadows from approaching her..
That unique voice will bring her back to reality, give her strength to hang on and face everything head on…
Till when does she have to wait?!

Only time knows that…….

Sunday 16 February 2014


Hey.. I'm back after a year of being away from this blog.. I do feel bad though cuz I had many many many things I could share, many events and situations I could write about and come up with amazing pieces but laziness took its toll on me and I ended up writing only a few pieces the past year .. 
Anyways, I'm here to share some really good news well at least for me it really really is .... ! 
I started writing long ago like 5-6 years back .. honestly I was never confident in my writing but I knew I never felt tired of it at all.. I could spend hours writing , pulling up an all-nighter just to look for words online to increase vocabulary and write .. never had enough courage to show anyone though.. in school I showed my English teacher and my class fellows and the response was positive so I kind of gained a bit of confidence but never dared to share with my family ..
Few reasons, but the main was because of my apprehensions .. since in my family no one really has interest in poetry, writing or anything related to that , I was kind of afraid of being rejected.. 
To make it short, after 3 years of being apprehensive , hiding and keeping everything to myself, I gathered up my courage and decided to show my family everything and come clean instead of living in the shadows for the rest of my life and pretending to be someone I'm not ... I decided to put an end to this unbearable suffocation..
I was REALLY REALLY REALLY nervous and anxious and scared and afraid when I showed them, my siblings one by one and then my mom.. Honestly , the 2 people I was most apprehensive about were my mom and my older brother, both not interested in poetry or writing....
Thankfully, all of their responses were positive , ALL OF THEM... gosh I still can't forget my mom's comment when I showed her , "WOW, it's a writer" , none of u can imagine how I felt at that time , I wanted to start jumping up and down, I'm so happy and thankful and all smiles.. Thank you Allah .. Alhamdulillah..! 
she suggested I write something happy as it will lead me to see the beauty of life and not towards the darkness..! :) 
I sure will start writing about different emotions including happiness.. but for now sadness is the emotion I think i'm most comfortable writing about so yeah.. 
That's all for now.. 2014 .. a promising start of this year .. may this year be filled with achievements, happiness and blessings for me and everyone else out there.. ! 
Alhamdulillah .. Dumb me was nervous and scared for nothing.. I should have done it earlier .. but whatever! :) 
I'm thankful for having a supportive family .! :)
alright then , 
let me start with this now.. from now I think I'll be updating more often..! 
Alhamdulillah :)